The team at Birthing Magazine is dedicated to providing women with knowledge to make empowered and informed decisions about their bodies. While we know that many women birth free of interventions there are times when an intervention is suggested by a care provider. In the coming issues we will look at common interventions used in pregnancy and birth. What are …
By Her Side
Birth companionship is part science, part art and whole-hearted work for everyone involved. Holding the space, being present and avoiding the urge to apply a “quick fix” is hard, but very important work. As a partner, relative or friend it can be challenging to find the best ways to support a woman through her pregnancy, birth and early postpartum experiences. …
Return to Myself: a journey of healing
Our childbearing years are a time of deep vulnerability and transformation. Those who support women on this journey have their own stories and carry with them the stories of those they support as well. Often there are challenges and sometimes there is trauma. The reverberations of these experiences are felt throughout our lives. Nan Nassef, a doula and Birth Story …