Why did it take so many years for this vital service to return? Even though it is well known in Alberta that human milk is what all babies need to reduce the risk of illness and for optimum growth, Alberta lost its milk banks in Edmonton and Calgary the 1980s. [i] [ii] After more than 25 years, Calgary will again …
Breastfeeding and the Brain
At birth, our babies are born with a brain one-quarter the size of our adult brains. In the first year of life, our brains nearly double in size. By the time we are three, our brain has tripled in size. Critical brain growth happens in the first moments, the first days, weeks and months of life. Knowing we are growing …
“You can’t do that here!” What to do if you are harassed for breastfeeding in public.
It seems a month doesn’t go by in Calgary without a report in the news media or on social media that a woman and child have been asked to move, or to cover up, while breastfeeding in public. Recent incidents include: complaints from other patrons when a woman breastfed her baby while watching a film at a local theatre, a …