2021 Summer – Technology


It seems like there’s a gadget for every parenting-related problem these days, and an app to go with it, too. But does this make it easier for parents, or are these innovations more of a burden than a help? What do you actually need, and what can you safely skip? This issue focuses on Technology and the ways it’s changed our fertility, pregnancy and parenting experiences.


Digital Birthing Magazine for Summer 2021

It seems like there’s a gadget for every parenting-related problem these days, and an app to go with it, too. But does this make it easier for parents, or are these innovations more of a burden than a help? What do you actually need, and what can you safely skip? This issue focuses on Technology and the ways it’s changed our fertility, pregnancy and parenting experiences. How much screen time is too much, and does your toddler really need their own tablet? How has innovation changed cloth diapering? Is it ethical to post pictures of your children on social media without their permission?

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